The UnCAGED Fretboard

This lesson is one of a series I made for the “Next Top Guitar Instructor 2014” and I still use it to this day with my students as a primer or introductory lesson before we actually start discussing fretboard layout.

The “CAGED System” is a useful tool for students but it is only a stepping stone towards a greater understanding of the fretboard.  If you only learn your theory in the five “boxes” then you are limiting your ability to see how music flows across the entire fretboard.  I like to think of the CAGED root patterns and boxes more as building blocks to get you to the next level of fretboard mastery and not as a system to base your understanding of the fretboard on.



Click here to download The UnCAGED Fretboard PDF Workbook

Use the workbook in conjunction with the lesson to help internalize the patterns.  Be sure to learn the information in your mind before trying to “figure out” or remember physically the sequence of patterns.


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